Diagram below show All guitar scale in minor key and it’s relative.Examples Am scale relative to C major.The scale use same notes same as other scale Bm,Cm,Dm,Em,Fm,&Gm.In each scale,show all notes come from its own scale.The modes pattern are combine together to form a complete ‘fretboard scale chart’.
Am / C
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Notes in scale: A,B,C,D,E,F,G
In this scale.All notes are natural.not have any flat or sharp (b/#).
Bm / D
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Notes in scale : B,C#,D,E,F#,G,A
There are 2 notes going to sharp.The notes are C# & F#.
Cm / D#
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Notes in scale : C,D,Eb,F,G,Ab,Bb
In Cm scale,there are 3 notes going to flat.The notes are Eb,Ab,Bb
Dm / F
(click to enlarge)
Notes in scale : D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C
There is only one note is different from Am scale.The note is B going to flat become Bb.
Em / G
(click to enlarge)
Notes in scale : E,F#,G,A,B,C,D
Em scale only has one note different from Am scale.The different note is F is going to be sharp to become F#.Am,Em&Dm is nearly same,not have many different just 1 note only.
Fm / Ab
(click to enlarge)
Notes in scale : F,G,Ab,Bb,C,Db,Eb
For this scale Fm,have many different note.4 different flat note.These note are Ab,Bb,Db and Eb.All note going to flat
Gm / Bb
(click to enlarge)
Notes in scale : G,A,Bb,C,D,Eb,F
Gm scale have 2 notes different that are Bb and Eb.
For guitar player,you don’t have to remember all these note in scale but the pattern and all modes u must mastering and familiarize with your playing style.All pattern are same but the root or main scale that determine the notes are change from one scale to other scale.In composing song,composer used one or two different key.for one key,he/she use only one scale.for 2 key,used two different scale.that is key transpose.let talk on the next topic about key transpose.
There are 3 sharp minor scale that relative to major scale.These scale are F#m,G#m & C#m
F#m / A
(click to enlarge)
Notes in scale : F#,G#,A,B,C#,D,E
In this scale,have 3 sharp note include rootF#.The 2 others are G# & C#
G#m / B
(click to enlarge)
Notes in scale : G#,A#,B,C#,D#,E,F#
G#m scale have lot of sharp notes in the scale.It have 5 sharp note.These note are G#,A#,C#,D#, & F#.
C#m / E
(click to enlarge)
Notes in scale : C#,D#,E,F#,G#,A,B
C#m scale have 4 sharp notes are C#,D#,F#, & G#.These relative to E major scale.