What is chord ? When three or more notes are play simultaneously are refered as chord.Chord is derived from original scale of the chord.Either major or minor scale.Basic chord consist three notes called ‘triad’.If a chord has three notes,it is refer as basic chord,if have more than three,such as seven or ninth chord,it known as ‘extended chord’.
To build chord,scale is very important thing.In music theory, C major scale is commonly used as example,because it easy to understand memorize all notes.C major scale has relative minor is A minor.Why ‘relative’ ? because all notes in C major scale are the same notes in A minor scale.The different only the root.C major chord(‘C’ as root,’major’ comes from major scale).All note in C major are C,D,E,F,G,A,B.All notes are natural.Same as A minor scale (‘A’ as root,’minor’ refer to minor scale).In one Octave has 7 notes.What is octave ? we discuss later.
C major scale is important scale,as reference to build another scale other than major scale.Major scale can be change to minor scale by changing it of the scale.Intervallic formula refer to interval of scale that form specific chord.The formula can be major,minor,or other extended chord.Look interval below of C major scale.
Interval | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Notes | C | D | E | F | G | A | B |
Table above show C major scale in one octave that have 7 notes.Octave mean the degree of tone whether high or low tone.When we say low octave,it comes from bass lower note,such as bass instrument.When we say high octave,it refer to high notes.Other word than octave os pitch,pitch same with octave.Pitch directly proportional with pitch,when pitch is high,frequency also high and vice versa.
Diagram above show C major scale in 2 octave.This is 2 cycle of scale numbered one to seven.To build basic chord,use this reference.But,to build extended chord look diagram below.
Diagram 2 above show C major scale numbered from one to fourteen.This arrangement are numbered continuously because to facilitate us in building an extended chord where extended notes is upper than 7.For examples,to build C major7 chord,we use A-C-E as triad note and add 7th note from this scale.7th note is B notes.So, C major7 chord notes are C-E-G-B.But,for building C maj9,maj13 or above,we should use this arrangement.
Okay,let’s move on to next to build chord.To build chord,you should understand an intervallic formula.What is it ? intervallic formula is formula that use to generate a triad chord.In music,triad chord consist of first(Root),third,and perfect fifth.
Root is a note that you chose want to be a chord,Third(3rd ) is note that determine the chord either major or minor type.Perfect fifth is third note in triad chord is use to complete the chord.Without fifth,the interval cannot be said to be ‘triad’,because one notes is not enough to become a ‘chord’.So,why this is called perfect fifth.
Build Chord from Scale
To build a chord,follow al this step :
1) Choose root notes that chord want to be – example,to build C major chord,you should make
C note as a ‘root’.
2) Refer to intervallic formula,choose one – Either minor or major depend on you,
Formula type such as
Major : 1– 3 – 5
Minor : 1– b3 – 5
Look at 3rd on intervallic formula above,in major formula 3 is natural,it is major.If you flatten the 3rd ,the formula become ‘minor’.This is different between major & minor chord.Easy rite ? .
3) Determine,apply notes in scale with intervallic formula selected
4) Then,pick up all selected notes based on formula(major /minor).All triad notes form a group of notes or family notes to become a ‘triad chord’.Other note are ignored.
Finally,you have created new chord.That is C major & C minor chord :-)
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