Seventh chord is a combination of major triad chord with minor interval of 7th.Actually,dominant 7 chord is major,the 7th note come from minor scales.A major triad chord and minor 7th interval are combined together to form ‘dominant seventh’ chord.It’s is write as 7 such as A7,B7,C7.It’s easy to create a dominant chord from scale,for example to create C dominant 7 chord.Firstly,list all notes from C major and C minor.Look
C major : C,D,E,F,G,A,B
C minor : C,D,Eb,F,G,Ab,Bb
Secondly,create chord C major C-E-G.Then,pick up 7th interval notes from minor C scale.The 7th note is Bb.Then combine major chord with 7th interval from minor scale to form new dominant 7 chord C-E-G-Bb.Same with other chord A7,B7,C7,D7,E7,F7,&G7.Use same method to create Dominant 7 chord.
Dominant 7 chord actually use as ‘blues chord’ that have 4 note,3 major triad and 1 seventh minor interval.Diagram below show some dominant 7 chord were create from major scale
Root | Major scale | Minor scale | Major chord | Dominant 7 chord |
A | A,B,C#,D,E,F#,G# | A,B,C,D,E,F,G | A-C#-E | A-C#-E-G |
B | B,C#,D#,E,F#,G#,A# | B,C#,D,E,F#,G,A | B-D#-F# | B-D#-F#-A |
C | C,D,E,F,G,A,B | C,D,Eb,F,G,Ab,Bb | C-E-G | C-E-G-Bb |
D | D,E,F#,G,A,B,C# | D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C | D-F#-A | D-F#-A-C |
E | E,F#,G#,A,B,C#,D# | E,F#,G,A,B,C,D | E-G#-B | E-G#-B-D |
F | F,G,A,Bb,C,D,E, | F,G,Ab,Bb,C,Db,Eb | F-A-C | F-A-C-Eb |
G | G,A,B,C,D,E,F# | G,A,Bb,C,D,Eb,F | G-B-D | G-B-G-F |
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